A stampede in Okija, Anambra State, has tragically claimed several lives as residents gathered to collect food...
The Kangaroo Magistrate Court has granted @DeleFarotimi bail under the following conditions: a bond of 30 million...
The Ogun State Police have taken a 65-year-old man, Olalekan Ogunjobi, into custody in connection with the...
NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control) has shut down 150 shops at Eziukwu...
The organisers of a children’s funfair in Ibadan, where many children lost their lives in a stampede...
The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has announced the removal of Value Added Tax (VAT) on Liquefied Petroleum...
Chancellor of the Athena Centre for Policy and Leadership and former Aviation Minister, Chief Osita Chidoka, has...
Muktar Rabiu, a Nigerian man, suffered severe burns while attempting to steal electric cables, just weeks after...
More than 200 individuals linked to terrorism across various regions have been convicted by the Federal High...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a civil lawsuit against a New York doctor for allegedly...