Chief Abraham Ikechukwu Otti, also known as “Mighty-Mighty,” has transformed lives by building 20 fully furnished homes for 20 households in Aguata LGA, Anambra, and Ideato North LGA, Imo. Each beneficiary also received ₦1 million to start a business, alongside food supplies lasting over three months.
Some beneficiaries were also gifted mini-buses during the empowerment program. In addition, Chief Otti commissioned a 6-kilometer road connecting Umuchu in Anambra to Amanasaa in Imo State.
Representatives highlighted the gesture’s goal of alleviating poverty and empowering communities. Beneficiaries, like Mrs. Alice Okeke and Mrs. Esther Obiagwu, expressed gratitude and prayed for blessings upon the philanthropist.
Last year, Otti built 10 homes for his community, presenting ₦600,000 per household. This year, he expanded his generosity to other communities, earning him recognition as “Anambra Philanthropist of the Year” and a “Heart of Gold Award” by Champion Newspaper.